Welcome to the creative home of artist and maker Charlotte Lyons.

painting and stitching summer

painting and stitching summer



I'm still getting the hang of this new place. Every once in awhile I uncover the top layer of a basket full of things I squirreled away in here and find that there is actually something wonderful inside. (BTW- I recommend moving in Ikea bags. Throwing those workhorse bags over the shoulder like a sailor's sling duffle is so much better than lifting a box!)

I didn't quite know what to do with those blue and white dish embroideries I made awhile ago. I found a long piece of linen I dyed in France and thought I might use as a shawl. I'm stitching the embroidered pieces onto it. Maybe for the table. 





Sorted vintage fabrics and the indigo dyed textiles from Vermont. Sewed up new pillows out of some.

Doesn't it seem like everything in the universe is suddenly being dipped in a blue dye bath? So beautiful!



Started to think about the shadowboxes we are making in the September sessions in Vermont. I gave away so much great junk before the move, but I'm finding more inside the magic basket stashes. So glad I kept what I did. I've often joked that I can go buy it all back at the church sale. That's just a few weeks away. Hmm. Maybe I'll buy someone else's treasures this time. 

♥♥♥ Our Vermont weekends have a few spots left each weekend. It's a great group of women each weekend and we expect to have so much fun crafting, tag saling, eating all that homecooking and getting to know each other. Kaari and Jenn will each lead special projects and autumn in Vermont promises to be colorful and charming as always. Happy to tell you more if you email me at the link above in the left sidebar. 





Sometimes very early in the morning, I'll get out the paint basket. Again, blue and white. (And dishes.) I have my best luck with just one or two colors. I'm still struggling with brushes and paints, what they will and won't do. What I love about stitching is that I can pick out the mistakes and start again. Harder with a paintbrush. Will keep at it though. 





Always happiest back to needle and thread. The perfect take-along or stay-at-home craft. The end of day honeyed light pouring through the windows is so pretty, bouncing off the Hudson downhill.

Suddenly, it feels like fall.



how softly summer shuts, without the creaking of a door.

~ emily dickinson

stitch, paint, laugh

stitch, paint, laugh

painting with jenn

painting with jenn